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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Osprey, Camino Pescadero beach

about a month ago i was out surfing my spot and an osprey caught a little fish and flew away. i thought that was pretty cool. this morning i biked down to the end of the street to check the surf and watched an osprey fly up with a fish in its talons. very cool. watched it eat for awhile and decided to bike home for a camera. got it and set up and no card in the f'ing camera! biked home again, came back again, osprey still there! was able to get 300 images. here are the best ones, in chronological order. nikon v1, ft1, 300mm f4. few more pics here.

 talons were huge!
 funny dopey look, like it just realized it was eating raw fish
 these last 2 are money

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