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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jalapeños en Escabeche

Made this in August, had some last night. Really good, though I really like the carrots and wish I had distributed them equally in the jars. Amy gave us a jar of it that Jacob from Roots made that was amazing, this is in the ballpark, but I might have to contact him.

Jalapeños en Escabeche:
from Recipe of Memory by Victor and Marry Valle

3 lbs jalapeños
1 head garlic
1.5 c extra virgin olive oil
2c sliced carrots (2/3 lb)
1 onion
2c cauliflower (skipped, used more carrots)
4.5 T salt
3T oregano
1T black peppercorns
5 bay leaves
6c white wine vinegar

sterilize jars
wash chilies and cut slits in them
heat oil in a stainless steel pot, add garlic and chilies, cook 3-5 min
take off heat, add veggies and spices, add vinegar when it has cooled a little
heat another 2 min
put in jars, allow to cool before putting on lids

supposedly this will keep 2 months not refrigerated, longer if refrigerated. I go fridge all the way.

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