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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Acquisitions

I collect things. Cookbooks, NWC art, dvds are scattered about my place. I've got something like 300 dvds, so it's kind of funny that 2 recent shipments I got have been so neat, you'd think there's a finite amount of movies worth owning. Well, that finite number is bigger than 300...

The first batch was from ebay, the second from I really like half, when you buy alot of stuff from the same person the shipping gets reduced. Anyway. All of these movies I've seen before, and all are worth owning. Terry Gilliam is awesome. And I already had the special edition of Spinal Tap, but the criterion one has different commentaries and different deleted scenes. Aguirre, the Wrath of God is crazy. Google it. An amazing movie. Hercules in NY is Arnold's first movie. The Color of Money I hadn't seen in a long time, and I remembered not thinking much of it, probably because of Tom Cruise. But Paul Newman really does kill in this movie, so that elevated it in my eyes, this time. The Sting is the first movie as a kid that completely blew my mind. I've probably seen it 30 times. The dvd is a little slim on extras, but still pretty enjoyable. Newman and Redford and a perfect, very clever script.
Found this book in the freebin the other day. There are many things in it that I already make, and those recipes I don't really agree with, so it's a little sketchy, but I'm pretty stoked on it. I've made one thing out of it, post forthcoming. The author's name is amazing.

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