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Thursday, May 21, 2015


Sauerruben is fermented turnips. It's similar to sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) but growing a ton of turnips is a heck of a lot easier than growing cabbages. I used the "recipe" from the Joy of Pickling by Linda Ziedrich. I say "recipe" cause there are 3 ingredients, turnips, salt, and caraway seeds. I used my bosch mixer with the food processor attachment to make quick work of the turnips (5 lbs), stirred in 3T of salt and 2 t of caraway seeds and let that sit for a bit. Then stuffed that into a gallon jar and put a ziplock bag with brine (1Q water, 1.5 T salt) in it in case the bag leaks on top, to keep the shredded turnips submerged. Put in a pie plate to catch the overflow. Fermented ~ 1 month. Super good.

This is batch #2. Turnips, rutabaga, beets, carrots. It has passed the overflowing stage but still has a couple of weeks to go.

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