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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Kumquat Ice Cream

I've pretty much stopped eating sugar, so have cut way back on desserts and jams and stuff like that. But my office mate was telling me about a whiskey kumquat ice cream that she had on her honeymoon in Chile and I wanted to give it a whirl. This was my inspiration, but I thought the cooked kumquat aftertaste was overbearing, so basically doubled the dairy/fruit ratio. A solid addition to the sorbet chronicles.

1lb kumquats, sliced, so you can take out the seeds
1c raw sugar
pinch salt
1c good yogurt
2c cream, whipped
1T or so vanilla extract

cook kumquats and sugar for ~10 min till they are shiny, add salt, cool
stir in yogurt and vanilla
whip cream and fold in
put in a low wide pyrex dish

freeze, stickblend, freeze, etc

the last bite

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