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Friday, August 12, 2016

Seth's Kitchen: Collards, other cooked greens

Collards are a relatively new crop for me. I love them. Previously I grew some mustards in the winter and they were really tasty, Wild Garden Seed's Ho Mi Z was one I liked. Mustards cook way down though, collards have alot of meat to them. In the garden collards are super productive, and pretty heat resistant, too, they usually go for about 1.5 years. They are a bit less fussy that kale, soil-wise. Unfortunately squirrels love them. C'est la vie.

Saute garlic/onion/chile, then add chopped collards, turn the heat down and cover for a while so it steams, maybe 20 min. Pretty simple, pretty darn good.

Cooking chopped collards with a pot of beans is good.

Fermenting collards as you would cabbage to make sauerkraut was not very successful  for me, though the stems were much tastier than the leaves.  

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