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Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's alright

There was a classic little NPR story this morning about Bob Dylan walking around a neighborhood in NJ. One could say quintessential NPR.... On the flipflop there was also a story about two morons who were taking a virtual roadtrip across the US, using Google Earth. The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

My negative reaction was further enhanced as Keely is hosting a couch surfer from Maine who is on a real roadtrip across the US. We had a sweet little dinner party, fresh pasta, roasted squash, tomatoes & ricotta. After that it got a little crazy. Have you ever hung out with your grandma when you were little and she pushed all sorts of food on you? We had hoja de coca. Candied ginger. Apricot sorbet and yogurt. Rhubarb and yogurt. And then. There is a macadamia nut tree in IV. I figured out how to get the exterior skin off, but cracking the nut eluded me for a long time. I heard stories from Hawaii of people driving over them with their cars to crack them, for instance. The problem is the shell is a sphere, and as we know from math class, the sphere is the strongest shape in nature. It is also smooth, so you can't get any purchase on it. And then I read somewhere that vice grips do the trick. Ebay. Got them on friday. We cracked nuts on saturday. On top of that, we wanted to show A how to make ravioli, so he could share the wealth back east, so after multiple desserts we had a little bit of ravioli, too. A fun night.

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