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Monday, June 1, 2009

A Good Weekend for NPR

The 3 money shows were all great this week. The 'Bluff the Listener' segment in Wait Wait was genius. I knew the answer, heard the real news story, but the fake ones were hilarious. Tour de Felon, wastewater recycling, the string of ducks!!!!!!

The Lake Wobegon was particularly good. Lutheran bike ride... Virgin Marys on old Norwegian tombstones... And then the pilot light bit. I haven't been to church in a long time, but man his Lutheran humor just kills me sometimes, and this was one of those times.

The theme on TAL was stories from the classifieds section. I waited out the 'Isis' story, and got the payoff I was hoping for. The musicians bit and the getting a dog after getting divorced story were great. A particularly solid episode.

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