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Friday, July 23, 2010

RIP Daniel Schorr

There are a couple of articles on the NPR website I,II,III. I loved listening to him reviewing the week's news with Scott Simon. He wasn't on 6 days ago, but did his normal spot 13 days ago! So dedicated, and such an important career. The Scott Simon penned remembrance (#II above) is magical, I could quote the whole thing. The quote below is from #I.

Schorr was surprised to find himself on the so-called Enemies List that had been drawn up by Richard Nixon's White House when he read it on the air. The list — naming hundreds of political opponents, entertainers and publications considered hostile to the administration — became the basis for one of the charges of impeachment against Nixon.Schorr, along with some other members of the list, counted his inclusion on it as his greatest achievement.

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