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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jim Anchower on Muffin Making

Anchower is a columnist for the Onion. He is awesome in his way. His latest column is about a bakery job he had at a big box store. There are some money food quotes:

People talk about how hard it is to bake, but I'm like, "What's the problem? Just put the 20-pound bag of muffin mix in the mixer, add the water it says to on the bag, and bam, muffins."

once I started bringing muffins home, it was a game changer. People would be hanging out, and things being what they were, they would get a bad case of the munchies, so I would be like, "Oh, you want a muffin?" and they would be blown away.

Life was pretty sweet, like a chocolate-chip pumpkin muffin.

The thing is, it felt good to work with my hands. It was like I was fixing a car, but instead, I was making something that people like to eat. I been fired from a lot of jobs, but this was the first one I ever felt bad about. I mean, whatever. Jim Anchower will land on his feet.

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