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Friday, April 24, 2009

Blazers 1, Houston 2

What a lovely day. Watered, weeded, laid some mulch. Went over to Keely's to get the key and play with Nala. The Dalai Lama was great. Good sense of humor. Prepared a nice long blog post for tomorrow (I wanted the Dalai Lama post to be the first one all day today in case anybody had forgotten about it). Scarfed down some Jungle Curry (beef + carrots, leeks, cilantro, dandelion greens), and then came over to Keely's to watch the Blazer game, and play with Nala.
Houston got EXTREMELY lucky. I think the Blazers might have finally woken up. Rudy played great. Oden played well in spurts. If either Brandon or LaMarcus had played well they would have won easily.

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