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Monday, May 3, 2010

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

Finally saw it. When the movie came out I posted a link to an interview with Werner Herzog about the movie, and also a link to the trailer. OnionAV did a new cult canon for the movie a couple of weeks ago when the DVD came out, and I elevated it to #1 on the netflix queue. To some extent it's a movie for movie snobs; the movie doesn't make much sense as a murder mystery, but it makes perfect sense as a comedy making fun of the cop/murder mystery genre/plot conventions. The movie is so ridiculous it has not one but two critter cam shots -- an alligator that is watching the scene where a dead comrade has caused a traffic accident has a camera on it's back, and one of the above iguanas has a camera on it that gets in the face of the other one. At least I think that's what was going on, Werner Herzog is credited with the camera work in the credits, so theoretically he could have been hanging out with alligator's to get that shot -- less dangerous than some of the crazy stuff he's done more movies. Also, Nic Cage channeling Klaus Kinski was interesting as heck. I didn't love this, it's a little too tongue in cheek, but I quite liked it. The dvd is bare bones, so I don't think I'll buy it, but it's certainly worth a rental.

On a side note: I've cut back my Netflix to 2 a month for a while now to reduce distractions as I try to finish the dis. Cutting back on buying used dvds, too, to some extent. I have a 3 disc changer in my dvd player (an old Pioneer) and Saturday night I had an old movie in (Blues Brothers) a netflix movie (Bad Lietuenant) and a new to my possession movie (Zero Effect). A very tough choice. I went with Zero. I love that movie. Great plot, cute girl, and lines such as:

I'll shoot you. Really. I will. I have a gun and everything.

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