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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fresh Pasta Party

Didn't take any pics last night, it's kinda lame to interrupt the flow of a party with a camera. This is this morning. Pasta trays piled up, otherwise not a very exciting pic...

I really like doing fresh pasta for a dinner party. It's great for a couple of reasons: it's unusual, so people are generally really into it, and it's very participatory, which is great for getting conversation flowing. Working on things together breaks down the little walls we sometimes put up.... Everyone got a personal batch of noodles (octopus shaped) with shrooms, chard, red bell pepper + microplaned parmesan, then we busted out 3 trays of sweet potato ravioli. Nice salad, nice dessert, lots of beer. Fun party.

Stats: 10 eggs worth of pasta, 7 americans, 4 euros, 0 wine glasses lost...

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