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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rick Steves / Beer in Europe

When I lived in SD the local PBS station played the Rick Steves: Europe through the Back Door tv show. He's a really nerdy looking guy, but his show was great. Here, on KCLU, I get Rick Steves' radio show. A recent one was about Beer in Europe. There was lots of great info, but I found the bit about saying 'cheers' and clinking glasses fascinating. It's kinda like how people from different countries have different handshaking styles. In Ireland while clinking they say 'slainte,' but don't do eye contact. For Scandinavia it's 'skol', look at eachother "quick and meaningfully," but no clinking. The story from Germany is if you don't do eye contact, you will have seven years of bad sex. This bit is about 24 minutes in and is awfully funny.

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