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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

the Gardens, Spring 2010


I spent 9 hours at Amy's garden over the weekend. Have 4 tomatoes in the ground, 3 new peppers (lipstick, pimiento, lipstick - I think), 3 pepper plants that are 2 years old (poblano, anaheim, pimiento), 4 red potato plants, 1 russet, 2 kinds of kale, cilantro, spinach, arugula, the artichoke plant is done but a new one is starting to grow, 3 rhubarb plants, green beans, purple beans, radishes, beets, epazote, purslane, spearmint, lemongrass, a mint that I got from Ventura at the farmer's market, thyme, and a boatload of strawberries that I have to eat faster than the slugs do. I've got a couple of raised beds, and everything else is protected by metal cages or milk crates from the gopher. Went to Tammy's this morning. There I currently have 2 tomatoes, a couple of purple potatoes, a couple of german butterball potatoes, a couple red potatoes, strawberries transplanted from Amy's, and some volunteer squash from the vermicompost. A couple of the potato plants did their thing, so I need to harvest them and then I think plant peppers in their place. Growing food is good.

wood raised bed and cardboard collars to hold soil, tomato, potato, peppers, mint, strawberries, beans
green onion going to seed

purple osaka mustard going to seed

As for fruit trees, it's basically 'just' loquats right now. But man am I digging them :)

Oh, almost forgot the container garden at my house. One hybrid tomato that overwintered. 2 new ones (a pineapple heirloom and a yellow taxi heirloom) (that's what is at the other gardens, too). Have starts for another variety too, either a purple cherokee or a brandywine, I forget -- that plant overwintered 2x! A couple of poblanos, a couple of jalapenos, a thai chili are all atleast a year old. New ones are pimiento, lipstick, a hot chile from Baja that Ventura brought back from his family's home, cherry bomb. Thyme, italian parsley, lemongrass, mints...

harvested purple osaka mustard
tomatoes from the plant that overwintered
jalapeno blossom
thai basil going to seed
tomatoes from seed
new growth on old thai chile plant
overwintered tomato

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