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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lime Buttermilk Sherbet

Sherbets have dairy, sorbets don't. Got some organic valley buttermilk 1/2 price from the co-op, did a little research, and happyness ensued. Perhaps this one sounds a little odd, but many people have tried it and liked it.

Lime Buttermilk Sherbet:
1Q buttermilk
1 1/4 c sugar
3/4 c freshly squeezed lime juice
zest from the limes
Make a syrup with the sugar, juice, and zest. Cool. Stir in the buttermilk. Freeze. Stick blender. Freeze. I didn't add booze to this for no particular reason. It was a little tiny bit icy -- you can see crystals in the pic. Still good.
Umbrella sorbet post


  1. Yum!! Except for what kind of crazy-blogspeak is "stick blender"? If I was impersonating a gopher, which I am wont to do (especially of the not-smart gopher variety in response to your blog posts), I would say "OMG I am going to eat all of your strawberries!!! Is now!!!", but secondly I would say "A stick blender doesn't really make any sense, is it a stick or is it a blender?". Please explain, because you are wrong. Anyways! Also did I mention that this sorbet was super tasty, especially the non-booze part!! Delicious and safe to consume while driving down the road or to serve to people under the age of 21! Very nice!

  2. Lou ate a lot of boozy sorbet and it didn't seem to affect him any.
