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Monday, March 16, 2009

Alice Waters on 60 Minutes

The last tv I watched this weekend, and for the foreseeable future, was a piece on Alice Waters. I'm glad she exists, though I think she is famous more for her restaurant than her writing, and I don't like restaurants... There are other vegetarian cooks I like more, Mollie Katzen and Edward Espe Brown, and for the slow-food stuff I stick with the Euros: Julia, Jamie O, Patricia Wells, Claudia Roden et al. But anyway, the interview was a bit odd, Lesley Stahl seemed very much to be a square who is divorced from food preparation, and was it really necessary for Alice to cook an egg in a big spoon over an open fire? I mean, you can argue for real ingredients without arguing that everyone has to use crazy techniques. Anyway, Gawker has a nice piece on it, too.

Update: Julia and Patricia are both American, of course, but they are writing about Europe.... plus the slow food organization is head quartered in Italy.

1 comment:

  1. i think of alice waters like robert earle keene and richard white- forerunners of their genre that after a certain point seem obscure and/or dated, but still deserve respect.
