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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shift towards thrift

Most of my friends are hiding out from the economy in grad school, but 2 in the real world just got laid off, so I guess this recession thing is legit. Cooking for yourself is a heck of a good way to save money, eh? NPR had a nice piece a while back with Jamie O about this. The 'soapbox blog' link from that link has some nice info, too, and gives a good example of his writing style if you've never read one of his cookbooks. NPR had 2 stories today which predicated this post. First was with a 'fashionista' who had cut back her lifestyle due to the economy. On the surface that seems like a story I would hate, but it was well done. That was followed by a bit about thriftyness, 'tis where the title of this post came from. I guess the take home lesson is cooking at home might bring down capitalism. Hopefully it would be replaced with european-style socialism instead of anarchy....

I haven't had a picture in a post for a while, so what the heck. Plus my 'stache is stupendous, or something.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of the word predicated (that I then proceeded to engage you in a nice quibble-ing over). Also this is a nice post (for a socialist).
